I got this water bottle last week from a FANTASTIC lady who came on a build over spring break. She is younger than me and an intern at a college ministry but she had this water bottle because she has an education degree. We talked about my kids and the struggles of teaching in a border town and all that fun stuff..... I told her in passing that I loved her water bottle and will have to get myself one....
Well, last week was quite honestly one of the worst weeks ever. EVER. I have gotten 8 new kids since Spring Break. One of them doesn't speak English ... at all. AND on top of all that madness I am held accountable for their test scores. Oh ok, thanks. They were terrible.
On top of that, I have two kids that have more than over 250 absences. Thats right - 250!!! Granted, each day counts as 7 absences but thats the equivalent to about 6 weeks of school. And again, I am held accountable for their test scores. Fantastic.
I am just tired. Tired of the politics. Tired of babysitting teenagers. Tired.
So on Saturday when I received her lovely package it was just enough encouragement to make me not want to die when thinking about going to school.
But. today feels a little like last week. I was 20 minutes late to work because there was a fatal wreck that shut down a major road which made all my roads SUPER crowded. My kids are already tired of TAKS review and we have three weeks left.
And Mikell is gone...again.
So all in all, this is has been a pretty crummy Monday, and tomorrow will probably not be any different.
And I will continue trying to look at this water bottle and remember why I am here. Why I am a teacher and why I love my kids. Because today, it feels a little impossible remember.
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